Green Living

green realtorAll Zip Code Sonoma agents have advanced training in environmental sustainability and proudly hold the National Association of Realtor's® Green Designation. We are skilled at advising homeowners on how to take actionable steps to improve a home’s market value with green alternatives. A high-performance, efficient home isn’t reserved for only new construction. Any home can offer the benefits of resource efficiency, which not only increases comfort and performance, but can also boost its value. Some simple fixes and upgrades are key to not only immediate savings, but also improving the property value as a whole.

green realtorIn 2018, Zip Code Sonoma became the first real estate brokerage in California to be certified as a B Corp. We're part of a growing movement to use business as a force for good. That means, we believe in putting people and the planet first and that we hold ourselves to rigorous standards for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Read more about our B Corp green journey.

green realtorAs a Certified Green Business, we are committed to conserving resources and preventing pollution. We provide financial and logistical contributions to help make our clients' homes more energy efficient, we regularly share tips and resources on how to increase environmental sustainability, and we creatively partner with local green businesses to ensure that our footprint is light but our efforts to enact more green lifestyles are far-reaching.

Our focus on environmental sustainability is rooted in the background of our founder, Josh Dickinson. Before getting into real estate, Josh worked for 15 years as an environmental engineer in non-profit, academia and the private sector, with a focus on water reuse and reclamation. Today, we continue to employ his environmental interests and passions in real estate and therefore, take environmental awareness and action very seriously. From green home buyer packages to hosting low waste events to our focus on greener office practices, Zip Code Sonoma is committed to putting the environment and sustainability front and center in everything we do.

Understand in greater detail some of the benefits of sustainable homes and lifestyles with these downloadable handouts from the National Association of Realtors®

Green Your

What is a Green Home?

Home Energy


Home Insulation and Caulking

Better Indoor
Air Quality 

Other Helpful Links:

Make 2021 Your Most Sustainable Yet: Expert Tips for Creating a Green Home: a roundup of sustainability tips from green industry experts, including Zip Code East Bay, in partnership with Redfin

How to Declutter Without the Waste: tips for sustainable decluttering to reduce your environmental impact.

Prepping Your Home for A Sale, The Greener Way: how to prep your home for a sale the eco-friendly way.

Creating an Eco-Friendly Garden: six green ideas that will save you money, water and time.

PG&E's Free Home Energy Checkup: take a free home energy check up to find out how much of your home energy goes to heating, hot water, appliances, lighting and other uses, and then find out what you can do to save energy and money.  

Free Water Conserving ItemsOrder your free water conserving faucets, aerators, shower heads and hose nozzles from EBMUD.

10 Tips for Green Living by HGTV: A quick list of green tips to help get you started.

Pinterest: A board just for learning how to make your own green cleaning solutions and more.