Arielle Chu
Operations Director

Arielle Chu
Operations Director

 Leading the operations at Zip Code East Bay, I run the business administration of the brokerage and generally just get things done! My passion is helping people and being able to do that internally with a B Corp business while growing the greater external community is highly rewarding.

Previously, I worked for companies in Europe, Asia, and the United States, including the international travel products division of Disney Consumer Products. I directed the strategic development and licensee partnerships at Steep Hill and also managed the global expansion and marketing of three European skincare brands to Asia and negotiated vendor relationships for branded and OEM cosmetic packaging imported from China and the European Union. I also created and co-taught the first Chinese language course at Humboldt State University and assisted in implementing the first international student exchange program between Humboldt State University and Guangxi University (China).

I received a bachelor’s degree in Asian studies from the University of California,vBerkeley and a master’s degree in management and international trade management from Escuela de Organización Industrial in Spain.

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